
Hitachi Mitsubishi Hydro Corporation
President Kiyohito Tani

As the positioning of renewable energy undergoes a major shift towards carbon neutrality, the importance of hydropower is increasing. In addition to its value as a renewable energy source, it also contributes to power grid stabilization through its functions of regulating voltage and frequency. In particular, pumped storage power plant, a kind of nature's storage battery, will play an important role to mitigate the limitation of grid connection for variable renewable energy such as wind power and PV.

In order to sustainably develop our business in this environment, we are enhancing project management, supply chain management, and securing human resources, as well as developing technologies through external partnerships such as industry-academia collaborations.

Our corporate statement, “Quest for Nature's Potential”, expresses our commitment to “continue to explore the safe and efficient use of natural water energy”.

We will continue to be aware of the ever-changing society needs, provide the products and services our customers demand, and contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society and stable electricity supply together with growth of ourselves, thereby pursuing satisfaction of all stakeholders.
